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CrossFit is a world-class strength and conditioning program and lifestyle. It delivers a fitness that is, by design, broad, general, and inclusive, making it popular among many police academies, fire departments, tactical operation units, mixed-martial artists, and elite athletes around the world. The workouts consist of constantly varied functional movements executed at a high intensity. This dynamic regimen improves every dimension of a person’s fitness, including their strengths and weaknesses.


CrossFit uses safe, effective and efficient movements similar to those you use in everyday life.

CrossFit is also “The Sport of Fitness” because it emphasises personal athletic achievement. CrossFit will help you become stronger, fitter and faster, and with the various local CrossFit competitions you can take part in, you can see how you stack up against the rest of the countries “fittest”.


Is CrossFit for me?


Yes. Everyone can do CrossFit regardless of age, injuries or current fitness levels. The program is modified for each person to help him or her safely become healthier and fitter. Grandparents and Olympians can perform modified versions of the same general workout.

CrossFit is a lifestyle characterized by safe, effective exercise and sound nutrition. CrossFit can be used to accomplish any goal, from improved health to weight loss to better performance. The program works for everyone—whether you are starting your health and fitness journey or if you’ve been a lifelong athlete.


Do I need to be in shape to start CrossFit?


No. CrossFit is the program that will get you in shape. No matter what your current fitness level is, you can start CrossFit. As you become fitter, workouts will become more challenging. Every workout is designed to help you succeed, improve fitness and move you toward your goals.


At CrossFit Two Rivers, we would like to help YOU become the fittest, strongest, healthiest, and happiest version YOU could possibly be!


Courtesy of CrossFit Inc.

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